
So far, you’ve learned about block elements that take up the full width of the browser window and inline elements that are exactly the width of their content. CSS gives you the option to modify both the height and width of HTML elements.

You can modify the size of an element using the height and width properties:

div {
  height: 200px;
  width: 200px;

This CSS would result in a square div, like you see in the first example here:

Values for height and width can also be set in percents, like so:

div {
  height: 50%;
  width: 50%;

As you can see in the second example above, the height property does not work as expected when set as a percentage. This is because the percentage value is calculated based on a parent element – and if that doesn’t have a specified height, the height of the div reverts back to its default behavior.

The parent element is the element wraps around the HTML element you’re targeting. For a link (a) inside a paragraph (p), the p is the parent of the a element. The parent can even be the same type of HTML element, like in the case of nested divs.

Example three below shows the effect of height: 50% when the parent has a set height.

Finally, while I’ve been saying that a div (or other block element) takes up the width of the browser by default, it’s also true that block elements can be constrained by their parent elements, as in example four above.