This course is taught in modules designed to explore various media languages relevant to visual problem solving: HTML, CSS, SVG, Javascript, and the Canvas element will be covered in short workshops. Students will be exposed to a broad range of programming languages that are used in professional design practice.

Read the syllabus…

Consult the reference section…

Weekly Schedule

  1. 1. Introduction to the course
  2. 2. The Plane, Coordinates, and Colors
  3. 3. Variables, Scope, and the Canvas
  4. 4. Functions and Modularity
  5. 5. Namespaces & Conditional Logic
  6. 6. Interpolation & Tweening
  7. 7. Iteration I – Basic Repetition
  8. 8. Collections – Objects & Arrays
  9. 9. Iteration II – List Processing
  10. 10. External Data – Tables & Blobs
  11. 11. User Interface Elements
  12. 12. Interregnum
  13. 13. No Class (Thanksgiving)
  14. 14. Final Project Development
  15. 15. Final Project Troubleshooting
  16. 16. Final Presentations & Wrap-up
